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Board of Trustees

Politz’s growth and success have been enhanced by the active participation of our lay leaders, who strive to enable all parents to participate in the educational experience of their children. As the guardian of the school’s mission, it is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that Politz Day School’s initiatives are appropriate, relevant, and vital to the community it serves. Working in close partnership with the Head of School, the Board guides and supports Politz in the successful fulfillment of its mission. If you would like to get involved or have a particular area of expertise to share with Politz, please feel free to contact any of the officers of the Board of Trustees, listed below.


Alise Panitch, Co-President    |   Chaim Blumberg, Co-President

Jenni Jimenez Fischman, Vice President

Karen Hess, Treasurer

Ari Daniels, Secretary


Sara Baker
Neal Cupersmith
Rabbi Michael Davies
Devora Delman
Stanley Greenblum
Amy Halickman
Susan Bierig Kiejdan
Danielle Kimchi
Esther Konig
Neil Levin
Harvey Mindel
Andrew Mulberg
Michael Partnow
Steve Rosen
Rachel Rosenberg
Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Serebrowski
Rabbinic Leadership
Rabbi Bernard E. Rothman, Dean
Rabbi Chaim Greenwald, Head of School